miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017

Changes to my study programme

I really like the programme study of my career, I think that are interesting subjects. But one thing that I would like to add is to have more practicing. I mean not wait to the third years to start going to real situations. I think that in social work you must have known from the beginning what you are going to do in the end of the career, having a lot of practicing and no too much theory classes. Besides another subject that I would like to add is a class where they teach us how to relate with other people, not relations with the classmates. It´s to start knowing how to talk and act in front of situations that when we were working we would have to front. I don’t know it´s an ethic class but something similar.
However, related to Faculty facilities, I think the faculty needs more places to study. Nowadays It´s difficult to find a quiet place or a place where are space. I mean it because I prefer to study at the university so every time I want to do It, I´m going around all the campus to find some place to sit. There are too many students for few libraries. Another thing that can be a good idea It´s to stablish are some places quiet where you can concentrate easily and another place to do group work, where you can talk of things like that. For example, Facso's library isn´t really a library because there is always too much noise and It´s really difficult to concentrate there. 
Now, in case of using technology I think that Facso gives a lot of tools in this part, for example there are good and free Wi-Fi, some computers that you can borrow and a place where you can print copies. 

To conclude, I would like to add that the teachers in my career are really great, they have a lot of knowledge about what they are teaching. The only thing is that sometimes my classmates and me can´t understand them very well, it´s difficult to follow the class because they give too much topics in a short period of time.

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