miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

My favorite TV show

                            Modern Family

I think that to watch a complete series you have to have a lot of free time, so the time that I dedicated to watch TV series is mostly on vacation. Actually, I started this serie on this summer vacation and I haven´t finished watching it because I don´t have  much time. This TV series is called Modern Family.
It´s about a non ordinary family compose by 3 generation, first of all, It is Jay Prichett who is the grandpa and father of Clare Prichett who married Phill Dunphy, they had 3 kids. On the other hand, It is Mitchel Prichet who is the partner of Cameron Tucker, they had two kids that they are adopted. Also  Jay Prichett is married to Gloria Delgado who had a child named Many Delgado, and together they had one kid.
I´m going to tell about the story until the point that I watched It. The theme of the serie is to show the life of these families and how they interact. It´s is a comedy serie so every fact in the show had a sense of humor.
My favorite episode is when Mithcel and Cameron adopted their firt child named Lily. It was a beautiful chapter because nobody agreed with them to adopt a child, their family said that they weren´t ready. But when Lily got home all the family were really happy and in love of her.

Besides, I like this TV serie because the character Gloria Delgado, that is intepretated by Sofia Vergara. I love her because in the serie she intepretates an Colombian and dramatic woman, the accent and the attitude she did it so well and funny that I think that I like to watch the serie in part for her acting, It is the funniest part because It is such an extravagant character that made the series even more amusing. 
This is one of the best series I have watched and I hope to finish watching It someday! 

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Postgraduate studios

I would like to keep studying a long time after finishing my carrer. Something like after getting my degree work for 6 years, but it´s not something that is number one on my list, it´s just a far dream. Because It´s too expensive (Altought I hope, by that time, there will be public, free and quiality eduaction) and also, now I don´t feel so motivated to keep studying after finishing this carreer. However, this would be a master degree in social science mention in sociology, I think this one because the sociology always caught my atention but not as much as social work.
Besides Social is something that I  have always been interested in and I would like to keep learning about it. I would like to study in Chile in this same university, because I like it and that master is given here.I think to study out of the country must be something incredible but I don´t think that  I would ever do it, It´s just a dream. Besides I heard about a scholarship about travelling out the country, to do a master degree of the carreer you study, a teacher of my school had it.And in a part-time course, because I will be working at the same time to pay the carreer and also I would like to have my own house by that time and that costs money too. 

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

My future job

When  I finish my career, I would like to have a service job, I like that voluntary service that you have to postulate in that organization for this services. I imagine it helping and teaching people in countries like Haití, India, Africa or any country that the organization will send me like "Servicio País".
Obviusly for this job It has to be outdoors, because I have to go to the houses of the people or in a center, but always moving, not like an oficce where the people go to ask for help.
I would like to travel a lot at this job, in more places that I came It will be better. Also I wouldn´t like to travel all the time because I'm also interensting of working here, in a school or an old's people home, especially th elast one, I would like to love to work with old people.
Definitely not in a office, I have that , I hate the fact of being closed in a room all day with a computer.
However  after getting my career and worked for 3-5 years, and if I do It well and earn money (I hope  for those days will be inclusive, free public education ) I would like to get the Sociology career to have more knowledge about people and stuying them. Besides If I can had a major in Social Work.