miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Postgraduate studios

I would like to keep studying a long time after finishing my carrer. Something like after getting my degree work for 6 years, but it´s not something that is number one on my list, it´s just a far dream. Because It´s too expensive (Altought I hope, by that time, there will be public, free and quiality eduaction) and also, now I don´t feel so motivated to keep studying after finishing this carreer. However, this would be a master degree in social science mention in sociology, I think this one because the sociology always caught my atention but not as much as social work.
Besides Social is something that I  have always been interested in and I would like to keep learning about it. I would like to study in Chile in this same university, because I like it and that master is given here.I think to study out of the country must be something incredible but I don´t think that  I would ever do it, It´s just a dream. Besides I heard about a scholarship about travelling out the country, to do a master degree of the carreer you study, a teacher of my school had it.And in a part-time course, because I will be working at the same time to pay the carreer and also I would like to have my own house by that time and that costs money too. 

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