miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

My future job

When  I finish my career, I would like to have a service job, I like that voluntary service that you have to postulate in that organization for this services. I imagine it helping and teaching people in countries like Haití, India, Africa or any country that the organization will send me like "Servicio País".
Obviusly for this job It has to be outdoors, because I have to go to the houses of the people or in a center, but always moving, not like an oficce where the people go to ask for help.
I would like to travel a lot at this job, in more places that I came It will be better. Also I wouldn´t like to travel all the time because I'm also interensting of working here, in a school or an old's people home, especially th elast one, I would like to love to work with old people.
Definitely not in a office, I have that , I hate the fact of being closed in a room all day with a computer.
However  after getting my career and worked for 3-5 years, and if I do It well and earn money (I hope  for those days will be inclusive, free public education ) I would like to get the Sociology career to have more knowledge about people and stuying them. Besides If I can had a major in Social Work.

1 comentario:

  1. I think your future plans are really great! I hope you can do everything ^^
